

Definition : Strategy is a set of coordinated actions, skilful operations, relevant maneuvers, with a view to reaching a predetermined final state. Its aim is to achieve the general objectives set by the initial global policy by making wise use of the means available.

Strategy's origin : The oldest known origins of the strategy's art date back to Socrates, then a hoplite officer in the Greek army during the Peloponnesian War. He teaches us that the strategy's art confers politics and military, complementary functions embodied by the nobility for several millennials. In ancient Rome, the cursus honorum allowed as much as it imposed on the patricians to alternately exercise military functions in the legion, then political functions in the senate. Each of the two functions then allowing an evolution in the other function. The strategy's art was therefore the prerogative as well as the determinism of the ruling classes.

Strategy's evolution : It is in contemporary times that the strategy evolves in its use, while preserving its principles. Following the obsolescence of the nobility based on politico-military action, replaced by a new ruling class based on the work value, the use of strategy then imposed itself on the business world. The world has changed, but principles remains. Strategy, by now applying to business, industry and the economy, confirms its adaptability while retaining its defining character of the ruling classes. This is why after the common use of the term « war captain » appeared the term « industry captain ».

Strategy's future : Strategy being the common denominator of successful men and organizations, only the best strategists, military, political, economic or industrial, allow victory, success and the advent of their vision. This is why tomorrow's strategy must be thought out today, based on yesterday's lessons. It is in this vision of the future that the action of Ascalon Strategies falls, always aiming for excellence in its field of employment. Because only the best strategist wins, we work tirelessly to permanently maintain the supremacy of the mind, allowing us to defeat the threats hanging over our clients.

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